Thursday, February 17, 2011

Music, music, music...

I woke up singing today. Do you ever have those kind of days?? I love them :) As I put my makeup on I found myself singing country. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers...Oh Garth Brooks. I had to stop and laugh at myself. I laughed for two reason.(1) I could picture Cody making a disgusted face because I was singing country. (2) That line just bothers me. God answers prayers. Sometimes the answer may not be what we wanted. But God is good. God is faithful. God is loving. God is trustworthy.

A foggy daaaay in O Town...Okay, so maaaybe that is not exactly how Buble sings that song. Though, it was foggy this morning! I wanted to grab my camera, call a client and head over to the lake to snap a few early morning shots. They would have been breathtaking. Just picture it...early breeze...the sun rising over a lightly frosted lake...fog...a smiling couple holding hands while walking along the trail...whispering about future dreams...*snap*  A precious moment captured.

...and to think it all started with a song.

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