Monday, February 28, 2011

Sassy Session: Stacy

Klassy and Sassy...that's what Jamie K! Photography is all about. Thursday I had the honor of meeting Stacy for lunch and a Sassy Session. Not familiar with my Sassy Sessions? Ladies, this one is a must do for you!

Sassy Session:
Inspiration Homework (Don't worry it is not scary!)
30 Minute Session with Jamie (Inspiration and Pictures!)
Easy online viewing of your pictures

*Contact Jamie K! Photography for more Information*

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Favorite

Happy Friday! In honor of Friday being my favorite day of the week, I am going to share one of my favorite recipes. Tuxedo Brownies!!! Mmmm :) These little pieces of heaven are a great way to kick off the weekend. (Though I do not recomend eating too many of these bad boys before a photo shoot. Teeth + Chocolate = A big mess!)

Tuxedo Brownie Cups

Nonstick cooking spray with flour
1  pkg (18-21 oz or 450 g) fudge brownie mix (plus ingredients to make cake-like brownies)
2  square (1 oz/30 g) white chocolate for baking
2  tbsp (30 mL) milk
8  oz (250 g) cream cheese, softened
1/4  cup (50 mL) powdered sugar
1  cup (250 mL) thawed, frozen whipped topping
1  pint small strawberries, sliced
1.Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). Spray cups of Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan with nonstick cooking spray with flour. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions for cake-like brownies. Fill wells of pan two-thirds full. Bake 14 minutes or until edges are set. (Do not overbake.) Remove pan from oven; immediately press tops of brownies to make indentations. Cool in pan 15 minutes. Remove brownies from pan; cool completely. Wash pan; repeat with remaining batter.
2.Combine white chocolate and milk in large microwave-safe bowl; microwave on HIGH 1 minute. Stir until smooth; cool slightly. In large mixing bowl, combine cream cheese and sugar; mix well. Gradually stir in white chocolate mixture until smooth. Fold in whipped topping.
3.Pipe cream cheese mixture into brownie cups; top with strawberries. Refrigerate 1-3 hours before serving.
Yield: 4 dozen brownie cups

Okay, back to working on photos from yesterday's shoot with Stacy. We managed to sneak in a few pictures before this lovely 3-5 inches of snow landed..AGAIN. Praise God Spring is quickly approaching :)
Let me know how your Tuxedo Brownies turn out!

Monday, February 21, 2011

M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e

There is just something sweet about a little kid's birthday party..and I'm not just talking about the cake! Sunday I had the honor of photographing a Mickey Mouse themed 2nd birthday. From the birthday boy's shirt to the homemade Mickey cake, this party was fantastic!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Warm and Stylish

Hobo gloves. That was my fashion accessory at work this winter. You know, the gloves with the finger tips cut out. They had that snazzy little mitten flap you could flip up and secure with a button on top of your hands. I can hear the thoughts spinning in your mind...those gloves are u.g.l.y. I can't help it. My hands were always cold! Were they cute? No! But they kept me warm :) You're probably wondering why I am rambling on about these silly gloves. Well, I received an email today from a friend with this link. Gloves  Did ya click on it?? Go won't bite.

Hilarious, I know. The sad part is...I kind of want to buy a pair. I mean in all reality those little gloves would probably be my favorite thing in the winter time. Oh, we'll see. Maybe if they come out with an animal print one or some fun design :)

Speaking of designs, I am working on a flyer for HS Seniors Class of 2012. So! Be sure to check back.

Love and Laughter on this BEAUTIFUL day. Hope you get outside and enjoy it!
Jamie K!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Music, music, music...

I woke up singing today. Do you ever have those kind of days?? I love them :) As I put my makeup on I found myself singing country. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers...Oh Garth Brooks. I had to stop and laugh at myself. I laughed for two reason.(1) I could picture Cody making a disgusted face because I was singing country. (2) That line just bothers me. God answers prayers. Sometimes the answer may not be what we wanted. But God is good. God is faithful. God is loving. God is trustworthy.

A foggy daaaay in O Town...Okay, so maaaybe that is not exactly how Buble sings that song. Though, it was foggy this morning! I wanted to grab my camera, call a client and head over to the lake to snap a few early morning shots. They would have been breathtaking. Just picture it...early breeze...the sun rising over a lightly frosted lake...fog...a smiling couple holding hands while walking along the trail...whispering about future dreams...*snap*  A precious moment captured.

...and to think it all started with a song.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh Baby!

Okay, love is definitely still in the air. Today I found out 5 couples I know are expecting!! F-I-V-E
Congratulations all your soon to be Mommies and Daddies!
In honor of all theses little ones, I am running a maternity special just for you.
Book your maternity shoot by the end of this month and receive a 5 x 7 for FREE!

Love and Laughter,
Jamie K!

Watch Out World!

Hi All,

Wow! What a great weekend. I was able to attend a fantastic photography workshop and meet some awesome individuals. Speaking of awesome individuals, I have to take a minute to tell you how blessed I am! My boyfriend went above and beyond this Valentine's Day. I woke up to flowers and a 3 page 5:15am! What a great way to start the day.

I'm working on some sweet photography deals so be sure to check back often!

Love and Laughter,
Jamie K!