Have you ever taken a Career Assessment? There are hundreds, maybe thousands of them out there. I love taking these assessments. This morning I took one based on the Holland's Types. This is what my results said:
Artistic- "Artist" Ideas and People. Enjoy thinking of new ideas. May work with words and pictures, or music and dance. Occupations: Photographer :)
Enterprising- "Enterpriser" Data and People. Strong leadership qualities with good social and hands-on skills. Occupation: Business Owner
I think I'm on the right track! If you have not taken a Personality/Career Assessment I suggest you try one! There are plenty of free ones online. I say this because one of my favorite things to do is to learn new information about people! Which is why I have a few fun, random questions on my Client Information Sheet. For simplicity and "business" purposes I say client... but in all reality, it should say family. I care for each of my clients and want the best for them. I am sincere when I say my desire is for you to have a positive, unique experience when working with me. Taking pictures is personal. It takes trust from both sides. For example, capturing a newly engaged couple is one of the most precious, vulnerable moments one can have the honor of experiencing. Love...Laughter...Maybe a little blushing. It is sweet and it is real.
Today's Challenge: Learn something new about someone you love!
Love and Laughter,
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