Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One word that every woman loves to hear...SALE! Yes, that's right Jamie K! Photography is having a sale on Sassy Sessions starting TODAY!!! Not familiar with my Sassy Sessions?

Sassy Sessions combine my Life Inspiration Coaching and Photography. We'll spend about 30 minutes together (1 Session) talking about goals for yourself personally, professionally..etc and end with a photo shoot. Every lady deserves to have beautiful pictures of herself. (You will be able to purchase prints for significant others, friends, family...etc) Having a print for yourself is highly recommended! Set it on your desk at work. Bedside table...It is a great reminder of the goals set and how beautiful you are both inside and out.

Want to know more about the SALE??? 
- The SALE runs from March 8th to March 19th
- For only $75 you will receive TWO Sassy Sessions! You are welcome to use both for yourself or give one as a gift to your mom, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, co-worker....
- Contact Jamie K! Photography for more info jamiekphotography@gmail.com

Guys, this is a quick and easy way to get two presents (or one really BIG one) out of the way. Sassy Sessions with Jamie K! Photography are unique. This is a present she will be talking about for years!

Love and Laughter,
Jamie K!

Become a fan of Jamie K! Photography on Facebook

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Have you ever taken a Career Assessment? There are hundreds, maybe thousands of them out there. I love taking these assessments. This morning I took one based on the Holland's Types. This is what my results said:

Artistic-  "Artist" Ideas and People. Enjoy thinking of new ideas. May work with words and pictures, or music and dance. Occupations: Photographer :) 

Enterprising- "Enterpriser" Data and People. Strong leadership qualities with good social and hands-on skills. Occupation: Business Owner

 I think I'm on the right track! If you have not taken a Personality/Career Assessment I suggest you try one! There are plenty of free ones online. I say this because one of my favorite things to do is to learn new information about people! Which is why I have a few fun, random questions on my Client Information Sheet. For simplicity and "business" purposes I say client... but in all reality, it should say family. I care for each of my clients and want the best for them. I am sincere when I say my desire is for you to have a positive, unique experience when working with me. Taking pictures is personal. It takes trust from both sides. For example, capturing a newly engaged couple is one of the most precious, vulnerable moments one can have the honor of experiencing. Love...Laughter...Maybe a little blushing. It is sweet and it is real.

Today's Challenge: Learn something new about someone you love!

Love and Laughter,

Become a fan of Jamie K! Photography on Facebook


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

International Women's Month

This one's for the girls...
Man! I feel like a woman...
Oh girls just wanna have fuun....
Pretty woman....

Are you singing along yet?? Notice a theme? Women! This month is International Women's Month. March 8th is International Women's Day. Based on my readings from the International Women's Day website, International Women's Day (IWD) was honored for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19th, 1911. More than one million women and men attended IWD rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination. So, if you do the math, this is the 100th year! I think this calls for a celebration...and a SALE because what lady does not enjoy a good sale?!

 Sassy Sessions are on sale March 8th through March 19th
~ Buy 1 Sassy Session get the 2nd for $30!
~ Sassy Sessions must be purchased (paid in full) by March 19th.
~ Guys, is her birthday coming up? Anniversary? Spoil her with a Sassy Session!

Feel free to give the second Sassy Session to your Mom-Sister-Aunt-Cousin-Friend....They will be talking about this unique gift for years!

*Contact Jamie K! Photography for more details*

Become a fan of Jamie K! Photography on Facebook